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Graphics: 7.5
Sound: 8
Gameplay: 9.5
Replay: 7
Overall: 8.5

Final Fantasy Tactics
Released: 19980128
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment America
Developer: Square Co., LTD.
Genre: RPG

Review by: Gavin

Square seems to be the hot ticket to video gaming these days. Each
title they have came out with has been simply amazing and beats the
competition in every category. This game really seems to sit at the top
of them along with Final Fantasy VII (and FFIII). This game, of
course, is Final Fantasy Tactics.

The game starts off with you controlling a man named Razma. After
the first few minutes you go into battle with lots of allies and the
game is pretty much fixed so you win, because you can only control that
one character. After you win, you find that the princess has been
kidnapped by a friend from when you were a kid, then it flashes back to
the day when you (Ramza) were a cadet ... and the story goes from there.

FFT is great RPG, with the best battle system I have ever seen.
Each battle you go into has to be thought out, planned and played
precisely or you will lose. You select who you want to go into battle
with, a choice of who is in your party ... can range from 2 to 20. Each
with their own jobs and power. There are mages, who do magic. Knights,
who are powerful and destroy quickly. Thieves to steal items, and so
much more. Each time you hit someone or heal an ally, you receive
jp (job points). Job points help you add powers to the job you have.
For example; An Archer hits an enemy with and arrow and gets 15jp. He
or she can then go and trade in the jp for more powerful arrows, or
different abilities like more range. Things like that. It is really
awesome. And as your experience grows so does your HP (health power) and
MP (magic power). Being able to move around the battle field is really
great, as in most RPGs you are in a fixed position. You have to be
right next to someone in order to hit them, or if you are an archer you
can be 4 or 5 blocks back. I really can't say it enough, the battle
system is awesome. There are also lots of options to customize battles.

As for the graphics, they aren't that great. But it doesn't stand
in the way at all. FMV's are very good though, as you would expect from

Sound is perfect, with a good track and good sound effect's there
really isn't anything to complain about.

Another flaw in this game is the fun factor. Its like Tetris, not
that fun ... but it really sucks you in. All you free time will become
FFT time. It will take about 40+ hours to beat the game.

All and all, I would prefer this game only to those die hard
RPGers. It is very time consuming and strategic. The only reason I
like FFVII better is because of the graphics. Other wise this game
stands tall next to FFVII and I think was slightly over looked by the
public. So next time your in a EB, look for this game.

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