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Graphics: 8
Sound: 8.5
Gameplay: 7.5
Replay: 8
Overall: 8

Mario Party 2
Released: 20000124
Publisher: Nintendo of America
Developer: Hudson Soft
Genre: Party

Review by: Eva00

The first Mario Party was a multi-player success. The second, which is essentially the same game, is good as well. If you didn't like the first (there should be very few of you), please save yourself some time and don't read on.

Mario Party 2(MP2) is built firmly upon the foundation of its predecessor. The board-game motif still exists, and the mini-games are handled almost the same way. Each player takes turns rolling the dice, moving their character (or rather watching it be moved) and landing on a space. At the end of the round a mini-game is then initiated where players compete for coins. Special star spaces are designated on each board, and the player may trade coins for a star when the spot is passed or landed on. Whoever holds the most stars at the end of a set number of rounds wins. It's simple, fun, and easy to pick up on, which is a great for party situations.

The graphics are a step up from the first game, with many more animations and greater levels of detail in the characters and backgrounds. The addition of story-like ending animations at the conclusion of each game is a nice touch and helps to establish the theme even further. Although MP did this well, MP2 does it better, and fully immerses the player(s) in Mario's universe. A great looking game with a solid theme.

The sounds are all Mario. From Yoshi's odd grunt to Wario's evil laugh, nothing seems to be missing. Music compliments the play but never becomes a focal point, which is perfect for this type of game.

The real appeal of MP2 is the multi-player action. Don't even try to play it alone; the purpose of the experience is lost. Round up some people (the more of the type that know how to have fun the better), have mass quantities of beverage and food on hand, and play for hours. It's amazing what type of behavior that people are capable of displaying after plenty of Mountain Dew and at two in the morning. (I learned such in a session with my buddies went one night) The dynamics of it all are similar to a typical board game, which is part of the brilliance. The intensity is raised by the fast and twitchy mini games however. A good summation would be that MP2 is the best original board game of the electronic age. Take that for what it's worth...

Rent it for sure, and buy it if you plan to play often with a few or more people. MP2 is great to have on hand for those get-together times, whether the participants are gamers or not. An imaginative, rock solid multi-player game.

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