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Midtown Madness Box
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Midtown Madness

Released: May 27, 1999
Platform: PC Windows
Publisher: Microsoft
Developer: Angel Studios
Genre: Racing
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Buy it Now! Only $129.98
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Ever want to get behind the wheel and race like a madman through the streets of a teeming metropolis? Here's your chance to careen your way through Chicago traffic that's thicker thana deep dish pizza. FOrget everything you learned in Driver's Ed. Run every stop sign, drive the wrong way, or gun-it to jump a drawbridge. No-rules racing means doing whatever it takes to win.

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Here is long list of all my PC Games(Thumbs up) 15
I'm Baaaaccck 3
Racing recommendations (illiteration not intended) 12
New to Voodoo2 11
Looks like MS will get the xbox on track if they don't delay it 6
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