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Credits for I-War
Following is a list of the people responsible for I-War. This list is taken from the game's Instruction Manual, in game credits, or from a reliable source (such as directly from the publisher/developer). Clicking on a person's name will take you to their profile, which will include all games they've worked on, and companies they've worked for. If any of this information is incorrect, or you think we are missing something, please contact us.

Executive Producer: John Skruch
Producer: Ted Tahquechi
Lead Tester: Eric D. Riley
Tester: Bill Woods
Tester: Eric Johnson
Tester: Morgan Weiss
Tester: Tal Funke-Bilu
Tester: Hank Cappa
Marketing Product Manager: Jeanne Winding
Creative Services: Greg LaBrec
Creative Services: Trish Ward
Imagitec Design
Programmer: Karl Vest
Programmer: Andrew Seed
Graphics: Andy Noble
Graphics: Karl Vest
Graphics: Andew Seed
Designer: Emerson Best
Levels: Emerson Best
Levels: Karl Vest
Levels: Andrew Seed
Producer: Bill Newsham



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